The Country Gentlemen's Association

Written 22/11/17

The winter edition of the Country Gentlemen's Association included an article on The Great British Pub Walk and their graphic designer Elle Grandison of eg.designs came to us for help.

CGA Magazine, Winter 2017 - cover

The article included six walks scattered across Britain and she wanted to include maps of the walks. Here for example is one to The Skirrid Mountain Inn in the Black Mountains in South Wales.

CGA Magazine, Winter 2017 - page 22

We produced maps for Elle using our WayMaps tiles and you can see that on the page above. Here's a close up (apologies for the quality of the scan - it looks rather better on the printed page):

CGA Magazine, Winter 2017 - page 22, detail

If you think WayMaps mapping could help you with your publication then please get in touch.

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