Setting up your email client
Generally speaking we don't support setting up email clients which we did not provide but if you have an email address hosted by us then here are some hints to help you set up your client.
For both incoming and outgoing mail you need to log in which you do using your full email address as your username and the password which we will have provided.
Incoming Email
Uses IMAP/S with these settings:
- Server:
- Protocol: SSL/TLS
- Port: 993
- IMAP Path Prefix: leave this field blank
The server presents a certificate signed by Let's Encrypt and some mail clients don't yet recognise it but you should tell your client to accept it always.
Outgoing Email
Uses Secure SMTP with these settings:
- Server:
- Protocol: STARTTLS
- Port: 587
The server presents a certificate signed by Let's Encrypt and some mail clients don't yet recognise it but you should tell your client to accept it always.
Webmail Client
Don't forget that we also have a fully featured webmail client at and this what we use ourselves when on other people's PCs, and also on our Chromebooks.