Google Analytics

Our Opus content management system comes with some simple hit logging but if you want more comprehensive hit logging then we recommend that we install Google Analytics on your web site.

We used this on the Save Milton Country Park site and below are some sample screen shots of pages for a period when the site was very busy (these are web pages and we've reduced the size by 50% so they could be clearer, but you'll get the idea).

The first page is a summary for March 2007. The graph at the top shows a spike hits on 14th March which is the date we sent out a emailshot to supporters which included links to the web site. We can see from this that they were clicking the links that day and for the next few days.

Google Analytics sample page

You can also see there were 1,868 visits to the site in March, 6,714 pages were viewed so each visitor averaged 3.59 pages. We then clicked on the Traffic Sources Overview link and got this page.

Google Analytics sample page

It shows 34.37% was direct traffic, probably mainly from the emailshot, 22.32% was from search engines and bottom right you can see the keywords people were searching on. Top was "save milton country park".

Finally we looked at the Visitor Overview. Again we can see statistics about the visitors including what sort of web browser they were using (only 68% were using Internet Explorer illustrating how important it is to ensure a web site is compatible with a range of browsers).

Google Analytics sample page

This is just a very brief overview of the sort of things Google Analytics can do for your web site. If you want it added to you site then contact us (even if we didn't originally create your site we may be able to add it for you).